Relatable articles to help you navigate through difficult situations and emotions.
There you were, walking through life, kind of bored, but minding your own business. Same sh*t, different day. Wake up, work, exercise, Netflix, bed. Repeat. You may even sprinkle in a series of dates looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, but they all seemed awful. Then, out of nowhere, someone shows up and everything changes. […]
Caretakers. You know who you are. You’re the one everyone calls when things start hitting the fan. You eat an entire meal with friends without a mention of what’s happening in your life (and you didn’t even notice). Your list of priorities for the week clocks YOU in around #15. Sound familiar? In the current […]
There you were, with your sleeve of Oreos reading your fitness magazine asking yourself, “What the heck is wrong with me that I can’t do what these skinny people are doing? It seems so simple and yet I can’t figure it out.” Your conclusion: I’m a weak human who can’t complete simple tasks. Yup, that […]
Ah Memorial Day. The start of the magical season. Weekends by the pool, tiny tank tops, rooftop rose with friends. MAGICAL. There are only a few little problems. All your friends always seem to be busy, your body has never worn anything described as “tiny”, and the only person you know with a pool is […]
The dreaded health slump. We’ve all been there. You’re cutting workouts short, eating your healthy hummus with a whole bag of chips (the good kind), and thanking heaven you never seem to go up a size in your fitness leggings. One way I get myself out of these ruts is trying new things that inspire […]
Ahh, the holidays. That beautiful time of year when overeating is a sport, you’re pressured to explain your life choices to people you never see, and family drama comes at you faster than you can say, “pass the potatoes”. If you find you’re a bit nervous about heading home this holiday season, here are a […]